Friday 27 December 2013

You would have wondered on many occasions after seeing some individuals who make friends where ever they go, befriending people from doormen to hot chicks; from
bartender to billionaires, as to how they do it? What qualities do they have that you don’t have to make friends so quick. These individuals just do things differently
which makes them friendly. Here are some traits that you need to follow in order to bring in that change in you. Ready?

a. Make sure you make eye contact.

Remember, eye contact is one such powerful trait to possess by an individual. Always make eye contact
whenever you are speaking to someone; the eye contact should be powerful and remain contacted until they let go. It is a clear indication that you are powerful, confident and has the control of the situation.

b. Show Confidence

If you are down on confidence, it is the right time to build it.
Work on your self-assurance today - Head to the gym or get a hobby, wear some new clothes and get a great body. When you are in control of your body and you feel good about it, Confidence is automatic.

c. Be Humorous. Let
it flow in your blood.

Lightening up mood of yourself and other around is the most vital factor to control the situations. Work on your skills, seriously this is one thing that helps you connect with girls.

d. Learn to start a conversation

Never wait others to approach you and talk to you, be the first one. Topics can be on anything from clothes, sports or the weather.

e. Small talk is enough

Whomever you meet, start with a small talk. For example, If you are talking to a bartender, query on how he is, and what is new on the menu or what his suggestions are for the night.

f. Listen..!!! and Only Listen..!!!

I dont think I have to elaborate on this. You all know about this.
Being a good listener helps you to find the topic that they want to take the conversation on. Listening has always help and will
continue to do so. !! This also helps you find the commonalities between you, leading to
easier non-anxious conversations. Invite the person
out where you both have common motives. For example, if the other person is interested in arts and
paintings, invite her to an art gallery or museum.

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